PRO WASH Water Quality Manual

The Water Institute (WI) at UNC is a global leader in collaboratively designing, implementing, and evaluating field-based WQM programs, trainings, and frameworks. The WI is a research and learning institution focused on using science and data to inform both policy and practice, and supports the collection, analysis, and use of robust WQM data to track and improve program performance.  

The WI has extensive experience with WQM in low-resource settings and will work with Save the Children to develop, pilot, and refine robust WQM technical guidance and training resources for PRO-WASH partner organizations.

Through Save the Children, the Water Institute will support PRO-WASH by reviewing and extensively revising the PRO-WASH WQM technical guide and developing and piloting an updated WQM training package for PRO-WASH partner organizations.  The WI will integrate feedback from PRO-WASH and its partners to develop final versions of the WQM technical guide and training package.  These materials will be made available in both French and English as open-source resources.  These WQM aids will support PRO-WASH’s efforts to leverage data for evidence-based decision-making to improve water service delivery for vulnerable and food-insecure populations.

Let's create a water secure future together.