Develop Training Materials and Provide Training to Laboratories in Caribbean Small Island Developing States on Environmental Quality Monitoring
The Water Institute worked with United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) to strengthen the capacity of laboratories included in the UNITAR “Integrating Water, Land and Ecosystems Management in Caribbean Small Island Developing States” (IWEco) project to perform reliable environmental quality monitoring and data analysis.
Building on years of global experience with field-based and laboratory-based environmental monitoring and training, Water Institute developed evidence-based, practical, and accessible training materials in close collaboration with UNITAR and the regional laboratories. The full training package comprises of five thematic interactive webinar modules with supplementary training videos, tools and checklists, preparatory materials, and assessment tools.
The topics covered in this training project included:
Module 1: An Introduction to ISO 17025
Module 2: Improving Laboratory Management Practices –Current Methods + Quality Control
Module 3: Nutrient Analysis Methodologies with Focus on Surface Waters
Module 4: Sampling
- Coastal
- Groundwater
- Surface water
- Soil
- Sediment
Module 5: Statistical Analysis and Data Interpretation
The June 2022 issue of IWEco’s quarterly newsletter IWEco:Link provides an overview of the project partnership here.
All training materials produced including webinar recordings and presentation slides are available at the project website: