Top-rated posters of Water & Health Conference 2023

Understanding the shift in the working and living conditions of sanitation workers in Alleppey Town, India

(#1 ranked poster abstract)

Hariprasad V M

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WASH in Crises Research Agenda

Lauren D'Mello-Guyett

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Development and Delivery of the "Faces of Dignity" Face-Washing Intervention for the Stronger SAFE Trachoma Trial

Katie Greenland

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Creditworthiness and shadow rating framework for urban local governments

Jigisha Jaiswal

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IT-enabled FSSM monitoring at scale in Maharashtra

Jigisha Jaiswal

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Exploring Gender and Social Dynamics of Water Management Committees  in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Volanarisoa Rafaramalala

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Hydroclimatic risks to household water access and food security in Bangladesh

Lauren Broyles

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Construction of large scale primary drainage infrastructure reduced flooding in residential properties in Lusaka, Zambia

Nathan Chesterman

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Sustainable Water Services: Findings from 10+ years of Circuit Rider Maintenance Programs in Fragile Contexts

Megan Lindmark & Adrienne Lane

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Associations of drinking water access, household water and food insecurity, and mental well-being of pregnant women in low income, urban neighborhoods of Beira, Mozambique

Lilly O’Brien

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