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Since 2003, with over 150 participating organisations

The International Network on Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage (HWTS Network) is a World Health Organization and United Nations Children’s Fund initiative bringing together over 150 key stakeholders worldwide to promote and scale up the adoption of practices and technologies that improve the quality of household drinking water for vulnerable populations. The informal network format emphasizes flexibility, participation and creativity to support coordinated action.

Participants include UN agencies, development agencies, non-governmental organizations, research institutions, international professional associations and the private sector. Participation is open to all interested parties that agree with the Network mission and guiding principles and who are willing to commit themselves to working toward achieving the objectives of the Network.

The Water Institute at UNC leads communications activities for the Network and is the delegated point of contact for prospective and existing participants. If your organization is interested in getting involved, please contact us.

Network secretariat

As of 2011, UNICEF and WHO began jointly co-hosting the Network and the Water Institute at the University of North Carolina handles official communications. This tripartite arrangement is staffed by three individuals as outlined below. For more information, download details of the co-hosting arrangements from the WHO website. In addition, the Secretariat is advised by an Advisory Group (AG) and a Public-private Partnership Group (PPG) which meet regularly to discuss various matters.

For an overview of the Network governance structure, mission, objectives and strategy guiding activities, download the Network Phase II strategy from the WHO website.

Advisory Group and Public-Private Partnership Group

The AG will provide strategic advice, programme development and review, and appraisal of Network products. The PPG will offer advice leveraging the financial and professional resources of the private sector to increase the scale and sustainability of household water treatment and safe storage.

The AG and PPG will meet regularly (3-4 times a year) in person or by teleconference to discuss and advise the Network Secretariat on issues of global importance to the scaling up of HWTS and the general, on-going activities of the Network.

Participating Organizations

  • 300in6 Initiative
  • A&T Aquasoluciones
  • Academy for Educational Development (AED)
  • Afram Plains Development Organisation (APDO)
  • Aid Organization (AO)
  • Alternative Water Systems Project
  • Ang Taga-Lawa Inc.
  • Antenna Technologies
  • Aqua for All
  • Aqua Salveo
  • Aqua Vitens Rand Limited / Ghana Water Company Limited
  • Aquatabs
  • Basic Water Needs
  • Berkeley Water Center, University of California, Berkeley
  • BYO Responsible Water Solutions Ltd
  • Campanile Investment Ltd
  • Carus Corporation
  • Centre for Affordable Water & Sanitation Technology (CAWST)
  • Centro de Aguas y Saneamiento Ambiental
  • Chujio Ceramics Limited
  • Citrus International Trading
  • Coalition of NGOs in Water and Sanitation (CONIWAS)
  • Connect International
  • Delft University of Technology
  • Destinee Charity Foundation
  • Environment and Population Research Centre (EPRC)
  • Environment and Public Health Organization of Nepal (ENPHO)
  • Environze Global Limited
  • Fundacion Cantaro Azul
  • Fundacion SODIS
  • Government of Ghana – Central Regional Environmental Health and Sanitation Department
  • Government of Ghana – Ministry of Water Resources, Works and Housing – Water Directorate
  • Government of Myanmar – Ministry of Health – Department of Medical Research (Lower Myanmar)
  • Government of Philippines – Department of Health
  • Government of Tanzania – Ministry of Health and Social Welfare
  • Green-Path Pilgrims Initiative, Nigeria
  • HaloSource Corporation
  • Harvard University
  • HEED Association
  • Health Environment For All (HEFA – UGANDA)
  • Helioz R&D
  • Helvetas
  • Human Development Society
  • Hydrachem Limited
  • Institute for Water Research at Rhodes University
  • Institute of Sustainable Development
  • International Scientific Forum on Home Hygiene
  • International WaterCentre
  • IntraHealth
  • Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Center for Communication Programs
  • Klorfasil Safe Water Program
  • Kottayam Social Service Society
  • London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
  • Malteser International
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Medentech
  • Millennium Water Alliance
  • National Nurses Association of Kenya
  • Nazava
  • Nepal Red Cross Society
  • PATH
  • Population Services International
  • Potters Without Borders
  • Procter & Gamble
  • Pump International
  • Rajputana Society of Natural History
  • ReguNathan & Associates, Inc.
  • Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
  • Rural Africa Water Development Project (RAWDP)
  • Safe Global Water
  • Safe Water & AIDS Project
  • Safe Water Alliance (Alianza Agua Segura)
  • Safe Water for Africa Community Initiative
  • Safe Water International
  • SAFE Water Now
  • Save the Children UK
  • Scan-Water (Scandinavian Water Technology)
  • Seldon Technologies
  • Sensiblue
  • Skat
  • SkyFox Ltd
  • SNV
  • SODIS Reference Center at Eawag/Sandec
  • Solar Solutions LLC
  • Solvatten AB
  • The Agricultural Voice
  • Thirst-Aid
  • Training Research and Networking for Development Group (TREND Group)
  • TrueWater International, Inc
  • UNICEF Ghana
  • UNICEF Kenya
  • UNICEF Maldives
  • UNICEF Pakistan
  • UNICEF Regional Office for South Asia
  • UNICEF Timor Leste
  • United Skilled Plumbers Association (USPA), Philippines
  • United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
  • University of California at Davis
  • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • US Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
  • Vestergaard Frandsen
  • Vestergaard West Africa Ltd
  • Water Research and Technology Centre
  • Water, Engineering and Development Centre (WEDC), Loughborough University
  • Water School
  • WaterWalla
  • World Health Alliance International Inc.
  • World Health Organization
  • WHO Nepal

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