Realtime Assessment of WASH Coordination in Humanitarian Emergencies Daniele Lantagne, Tufts University Additional Authors: Travis Yates, Camille Heylen, Franck Bouvet, and Dominique Porteaud. This work is novel in that the wider approach to WASH stakeholders and regular data collection over a 9-month span is unique. Appreciating the complex relationships with WASH stakeholders over time will allow for data rich analysis that has previously not been assessed. Also, by using mixed-methods, there will be several different data sources for potential validation of results that can also be assessed for broad application due to the three different contexts.

Water Point Functionality Estimates and Associations: Evidence from Nine Countries Anna Murray, Charity:Water Additional Authors: Brian Hoyer, Nicholas F. Lawrence. Functionality estimates of rural water supply systems often focus on hand pumps as the only technology included. This work combines hand pump data with that of additional water point types, such as tap stands and spring protections, and includes data across ten programs in nine countries. Further, water point functionality estimates are often limited by survey teams that are sent out in search of all existing water points available in a district or country, and they simply record the status of the water points they locate. This has been documented as "the denominator problem" or excluding water points that no longer exist at all, so they are left out of the denominator of the calculation. In this study, teams were provided with a list of water points that were known to be constructed, so this issue was avoided.

Strengthening Water Quality Monitoring Following Cyclones Idai and Kenneth in Mozambique Anu Rajasingham, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Emergency Response and Recovery Branch Additional Authors: Travis Brown, Felisberto Lúcio, Arminda Macuamule, Garbaldino Zeca, Jorge Matola, Tomohiko Morita, Albert Reichert, Chris Cormency, Thomas Handzel The water quality monitoring activities in Beira were implemented after Cyclone Idai during the cholera outbreak. The data collected informed the cholera and emergency response and improved programmatic action. Using lessons learned, a similar program was initiated quickly in Pemba after Cyclone Kenneth struck a few weeks. These activities could be replicated in similar emergencies in cholera endemic areas to prevent and control outbreaks.

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