Science is the key to our success.
At the Water Institute, we believe that evidence matters, and that good science should drive both policy and practice. Our goal is to ask the right questions, collect the evidence, and use that evidence to improve service delivery and water resources management.
The Water Institute is announcing a Special Call for Abstracts for the 2024 UNC Water and Health Conference. This Special Call focuses on the Unfinished Business of WASH in High-Income Countries. Themes that may be included under this topic include Environmental Justice, PFAS and Water Quality, Well Water and Onsite Sanitation, Agriculture and One Health, and Wastewater Surveillance. If you are working on research aligned with these or other relevant themes, please submit your abstract through the abstracts portal.
Research abstracts for the 2024 UNC Water and Health Conference are now being accepted through May 3, 2024. Side event abstracts can be submitted until June 3, 2024. The conference will be held on October 14-18, 2024 in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
Water Institute Student Research Spotlight: Learn about doctoral student Sarah Lebu's work studying how climate change and natural disasters affect sanitation in informal communities in Africa in Carolina Health feature article "When climate change puts sanitation at risk."
Tuesday, May 7, 2024
Environmental Sciences and Engineering (ESE) department's monthly social event for faculty, staff and students
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